Use "shook hands|shake hand" in a sentence

1. They shook hands rather listlessly.

2. Her hands had started to shake.

3. She shook hands with her victorious opponent.

4. The delegates shook hands and exchanged greetings.

5. Aldehydase Richard shook his hand up

6. He taught his dos to shake hands.

7. He watched them shake hands and embrace.

8. He shook the warmly proffered hand.

9. Paulie Gatto stood up to shake hands.

10. Martin, I wanna shake your hand.

11. I want to shake your hand.

12. Fuckin'A, let me shake your hand.

13. They shook hands all round and prepared to depart.

14. He shook hands without rising , and made pointless chitchat.

15. McCready did not embrace or even shake hands.

16. Hours later my hands still shake.” —Alona, Israel.

17. We shook hands as a token of our friendship.

18. I started sketching, but my hand shook.

19. She clinched her hands and shook her head bleakly.

20. Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.

21. The father first tried to shake hands with her.

22. Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet?

23. He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.

24. Eventually she literally dragged him up to shake hands.

25. They shook hands in an unhurried fashion and exchanged courtesies.

26. He shook Keaton's hand with his big paw.

27. 20 He warmly shook hands with those gathered around the rostrum.

28. She put out her hand to shake mine.

29. She would have hated him to see how her hands shook.

30. The two heads of state shook hands perfunctorily for the photographers.

31. But I mentally shake hands with you for your answer.

32. It's natural to shake hands with sb. you've just met.

33. 5 Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.

34. Shake his hand and give him the money.

35. They all sort of shook hands after the ceremonial guard of honour.

36. The little boy stepped forward timidly and shook Leo's hand.

37. During the week before the fight he would not shake hands.

38. Cruelty and fear shake hands together. Honore de Balzac 

39. Don't forget to shake hands - it's the done thing, you know.

40. Well-ossified Becrinolined deep-breathing shake-hands nondebater Hance E-boat

41. He shook hands ceremoniously with each of his supporters as they arrived.

42. The interviewer stood, shook my hand, and said, “You’re hired.”

43. She shook her head slightly and squeezed my hand again .

44. His hand as it shook hers was warm and firm.

45. I was trilled and honored to see him and shook hands with him.

46. 22 Hurstwood shook hands with them most cordially . He was very roseate physically.

47. When someone sticks out their hand, it's polite to oblige and shake their hand.

48. “His hand was thrust out to shake mine,” Corrie recalled.

49. He broke off in mid-sentence to shake hands with the new arrivals.

50. The two crews shook hands and embraced as they mingled aboard the space station.

51. He held his hand out and we shook, sealing an unspoken bargain.

52. The hand was still doughy when Miguel shook it, weak and spineless.

53. To be a global mover and shaker, learn how to shake hands effectively.

54. Monseigneur received him in a courtly manner, but they did not shake hands.

55. They escorted her to the door, where she turned, smiling, to shake hands.

56. The coaches directed the players to shake hands with the opposing team members.

57. My hand is powdered, so the shake is firm and dry.

58. When returning from a trip, shake the hand of every chaperone.

59. Simple and faithless as a smile and shake of the hand.

60. We shook hands limply, in the manner of a cold prisoner exchange on the Potsdam ridge.

61. 5 We shook hands, and she was about as chummy as a boxer before a fight.

62. Anna and William stand and shake hands formally Well, it was nice to meet you.

63. He snatched the Bible out of my hand, shook it in my face, and pushed it back into my hand.

64. It was a hand shake which was to revolutionize the economics of sports.

65. grown men didn't embrace one another, unless someone had died, and not always then; you shook hands

66. 19 We shook hands limply, in the manner of a cold prisoner exchange on the Potsdam ridge.

67. Male and female fans rushed to shake his hand and bestow Congratulatory kisses.

68. A wink, a nod, or a shake of the hand: on the Masons

69. Would they shake hands and agree to forget the whole thing were he to do so?

70. The offendor arose Brokenly, shook off the detaining hand of his girl, and came over

71. The tennis etiquette is, both the players have to come to the net and shake hands.

72. Gaston was a fishmonger who left evidence of his occupation on every hand he shook.

73. Katherine Lundy shook her head savagely, digging the palms of her hands into her eyes and rubbing hard.

74. In spite of my "girly man" hat, crocheted from plastic shopping bags, they shook my hand.

75. It was not until she stood up to shake hands that Julia saw that she was pregnant.

76. When he saw me, he leaned on his shovel until I was near enough to shake hands.

77. Ma and Father shake hands with everyone and look as if they are having a wonderful time.

78. This one young, hip couple, one of them tried to shake his hand one day

79. Shake it, shake it

80. Remembered for his first-hand account of the Bolshevik Revolution, Ten Days That Shook the World.